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General Information
Tripes Farm has been hosting successful car boot sales since 1988 and we currently hold 14 licensed boot sales each year. All sales are professionally marshalled and there are on site facilities to make your ‘bargain hunting’ even more enjoyable.
Gates open at 7am for sellers and buyers with the majority arriving by 8am. Telephone 01689 876602 opt.1 for all enquiries. The pre-recorded message will be updated on the day of a sale to advise on the status. The boot sale has no official closing time but is expected to last approximately 6 hours.
Please note: Leaving unsold items on the field is fly tipping. All unsold articles must be taken home by stall holders. Waste bins are provided for rubbish.
BBQ’s are not permitted.

Light Hearted Guide
Here is our light hearted guide for first time sellers and buyers.
Plan your visit to the boot sale well in advance. Click here for regular updates on our current boot sale season.
Prepare what you are going to sell before you get here. If possible ‘price up’ your items in advance to give buyers an indication of how much you expect individual items to sell for.
The early bird catches the worm! Get to the sale early where possible. This will give you the best chance of securing a good pitch. Gates open at 7am for sellers and buyers.
Car boot sales like any other large retailing area, attract many types of customer and seller. The majority of sellers attending a boot sale are selling unwanted items from their houses, garages etc. There are, however, traders that make their living by selling products at boot sales and it’s possible to get some great bargains by buying from these regular traders. Conversely, the majority of buyers are people who come out to enjoy a bit of ‘bargain hunting’ on a Sunday morning. However, collectors and traders also attend car boot sales on a regular basis and usually make a living by buying items that they know will fetch more money in a shop or at auction. All of this diversity makes car boot sales a very popular and healthy trading environment.
Be prepared for ‘hagglers!’ Unless you ‘price up’ your items beforehand or ‘stick to your guns,’ most buyers will try to ‘haggle’ over prices. This has always been the case at most boot sales and is usually intended to be friendly but can offend some people.
Lots of sellers and buyers forget one important thing at boot sales. The fact that the majority of sales are in the summer months means that it is not uncommon for people to get sun burnt or suffer from sunstroke. Bring some sun cream if you are planning on selling in Summer!
Remember that there are no receipts or guarantees from the majority of sellers. You must be sure of what you are buying as disputes between buyers and sellers can not be rectified by our team of marshalls. In extreme cases, the Police may be called
to attend.
Tripes farmland is not a public right of way and is private land. The Organiser has the right to legally refuse entry or ask any person to leave without reason.
Cars – All cars including taxis, motorcycles and "walk-ins" with no vehicle: £14
Small/Medium Vans – L1/H1 (standard height and length or smaller): £17
Large Vans or commercial vehicles – larger than L1/H1 (Non standard height or length vans): £20
Lorries larger than the above are priced on the day.
Trailers – Any vehicle towing a trailer will be subject to an additional £2 fee.
Excessive size of pitch
All pitches are allocated based upon what marshalls consider to be enough space for acceptable use. Space is not sold per square metre and ‘market stall’ type pitches are discouraged. Pitches of an excessive size will be subject to an additional pitch fee.
Charity Concessions
C. George & Sons will receive written requests from charities (those that are officially registered in the UK) for a reduction in pitch fees. Once permission has been granted, charity workers must ensure marshalls are aware of their presence and produce, on demand, the appropriate identification and confirmation from C. George & Sons of permission to claim
a reduction.
Boot Sale FAQ section:
Do I need to book?
No booking is required. Simply turn up on the day and a member of our team will be happy to assist you.
Do you charge an entry fee for buyers?
No! Entry and parking is free for all buyers.
What are your prices for sellers?
Please click here for a current price list.
What time do you open/close?
Gates open at 7am and the majority of sellers/buyers arrive by 8am. We do not have an official closing time but we typically expect the boot sale to last approximately 6 hours.
Are toilets available?
On site toilets are provided free of charge.
Do you provide refreshments?
A selection of hot and cold refreshment vans typically attend the boot sale on a regular basis.
Are dogs allowed?
Dogs are allowed on site provided they are kept on a lead at all times. Please note: dogs are the sole responsibility of the owner and Tripes Farm will not be held liable for any incident involving a dog or its owner. All dog waste must be picked up and placed in the bins provided.
What happens if a boot sale is cancelled due to poor weather?
If we decide to cancel a boot sale due to poor weather, we will, where possible, attempt to notify customers at least 12 hours before the sale is due to take place. Please check here for cancellations. Any cancelled dates will be added on to the end of the season, weather permitting.
This is my first time selling at a car boot sale. Can you provide me with any tips on how I should prepare?
Please see our ‘light hearted guide’ for more information.
Who can I contact if I have a query?
Our dedicated marshalls will be onsite to handle any queries on the day of the sale. To hear a status update on our latest car boot sales season, please telephone: 01689 876692 option 1.
Where can I follow you for updates?
Please view our website or follow us on Facebook for up to date information regarding our car boot sales.